Ulmer’s Internet Intervention
12 May 2022
As Walter Ong observed, postliteracy is secondary orality, a hybrid of oral and literate features.
What Barthes discovered or observed emerging within photography is a new dimension of signification that he named with a neologism, signifiance, characterized as a meaning that is “obtuse” –a “third meaning,” neither literal nor figurative.
From Internet Intervention, Gregory L. Ulmer, 2003
Greg Ulmer speculates in his book that the move to a digital literacy will cultivate and necessitate an equivalent transformation in the structures and nature of our thinking, of our assemblies of meaning. I work through this book’s exercises along with the Book Oblivion reading group to see if he may be right. The goal is the creation of a MyStory.
Everything shown and discussed in the above video series is absolutely true. Somewhere.
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