5 November 2021

Episode 2+ BONUS - Fowles in the Frith 


How do we determine the meaning of a work which has no author?

And what responsibility is there in authoring our own interpretation?


We examine the potential meanings of this poem, dig at length into the different ideas of medieval authorship, and find we may have not have wandered yet that far, at all.


Foweles in the frith,

The fisses in the flod,

And I mon waxe wod.

Sulch sorw I walke with

For beste of bon and blod.




Complete Resources: https://waywordsstudio.com/project/anonymous-fowls-in-the-frith/






00:00:00 Ch1 - Intro

00:03:00 Ch2 - The Challenge of the Text

00:05:10 Ch3 - A Close Reading

00:10:19 Ch4 - Some Ways to Meaning

00:18:31 Ch5 - Essence of the Short Poem - Emily Dickinson

00:21:51 Ch6 - Medieval Songs and Philosophy

00:30:42 Ch7 - A History of Authorship

00:40:23 Ch8 - 99% Perspiration

00:43:09 **Ch9 - Related Works

00:44:55 **Ch10 - Who’s Your Daddy?

00:46:37 **Ch11 - Authorship and Ego

00:49:07 **Ch12 - Poetry Challenges the Sacred

00:52:57 Ch13 - Romantic Ego, Disintegration, and the Book

01:00:28 **Ch14 - Authors Absent and Present

01:02:31 Ch15 - BeFowling the Canon

01:06:25 Ch16 - Reason in the Frith

01:10:52 Ch 17 - Outro

**Added segment for the Bonus episode




The Waywords Podcast is the primary program of Waywords Studio (https://waywordsstudio.com). The podcast posts new material each week, with deep-dive examinations of literature around some common questions or themes and 1-3 smaller supplemental episodes in between the larger programs. 


Visit us for expanded resources for guests and the Waywords community, for other programs and writing, and for opportunities to support our goal to expand reading. Resources available can include full bibliographies of material referenced, full and partial texts, annotated editions, supplemental and expanded episodes, fictional explorations, teaching and learning resources, additional essays, and online courses. 


Website:  https://waywordsstudio.com 

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Waywords-Studio-107310977755912 



Original music by Randon Myles (https://randonmyles.com/)

Chapter headings by Natalie Harrison and Sarah Skaleski



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It is open to be used and adapted for all not-for-profit uses with proper attribution. 



Chisnell, Steve. “Anonymous: Fowles in the Frith.’” Waywords Studio, 5 Nov. 2021, https://waywordsstudio.com/project/anonymous-fowls-in-the-frith/


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