
Unwoven Audiobook Available!

At last, the professional audiobook version is complete, with original music by Randon Myles and read by the author! Get it now from wherever you find your listens.

The Sestina and Me

I reflect on the completion of my wintry fingertrap sestina, “Whirling Still.”

Steve composing poems while angry poets surround him

Nuts & Bolts & Fingertrap Sestinas

Tensions, resistance, doubling-down, or just an itch to try and invent something? Either way, hybrid poetic forms are the real tradition of writing verse.

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Day 0: Films to Books and . . .

Day 0: Films to Books and . . .

If I had to guess, it’s that many missed a key idea of translation to a different medium: transformation. Creating story for a poem, podcast, movie, painting, symphony, short story, campfire talk, or novel are each significantly different acts,



After all, why would I risk staining that beauty with a coffee ring? Why place stress upon that carefully sewn binding? If I wanted to actually read the book, well, I have a chewed and annotation-scarred used paperback of it.

Lessons from Emilio

Lessons from Emilio

In the image, he is on the Inca Trail, alone, a floppy hat and sunglasses, his hands resting on the top of his walking stick as he waits for me to reach him.  I am wheezing from altitude dizziness as we ascend.



After all, I was maybe 15 years old, skinny and pale as pasta, my “Lord of Chaos” badge hanging crookedly from a fading Dragonslayer t-shirt. And there was Gandalf, a 280 pound beer-stinking sasquatch of a man …

The Challenge of Finding Wisdom

The Challenge of Finding Wisdom

I have seen years and scores of students succumb to the allure of Beavis and Butthead and Seattle grunge, Instagram and “What Does the Fox Say?”, never suspecting that Descartes’ dualism or Conrad’s “The horror” could be significant moments for true reflection.

Essai – 

After Michel deMontaigne, to essai is to engage in a prose act of skepticism, an exploration of a topic as perceived or understood by the writer. You might think of it as a “testing,” an experiment in idea-making. Alas, our education system long ago turned this critical verb into a static noun scored by rubrics in red ink for purposes political and often crippling. 

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