About Waywords Studio
Wanderings on Literature and Language

the studio
“One must be drenched in words, literally soaked in them, to have the right ones form themselves into the proper pattern at the right moment.”
Waywords produces a web of programs and media designed to improve our thinking in democratic action, in critical literacy, in global understanding. We provoke, inspire, and wrestle with the ambiguities and richness of human thinking, from times modern to ancient.
While offering serious educational support for those who want it, Waywords entertains and engages with surprising takes on a wide range of global topics, from Western social trends to modern mythological thinking.
Criticism & Reviews
The Waywords podcasts and blog explore the workings of global literatures, language, and mythology through a social-epistemic rhetoric. Book reviews explore a wide range of genre, era, and region.
Fiction & Verse
Original prose includes short fiction, work from the ImageMaker cosmogony, the Sam & Nadi English learners series, published collections like Unwoven, and audio drama.
Teaching & Learning
Programs to support students in lifelong literacy training, Advanced Placement® Literature, IB® Theory of Knowledge, philosophy, and English language learning.
Courses for interested learners are forthcoming.
Where We Are
Our studio is in Waterford, Michigan, in the United States
Write Us
The WAYWORDS Mission
“Education is Freedom”
writes Paulo Freire in Pedagogy of the Oppressed. But not just any education.
Critical literacy becomes increasingly vital in communities polarized or isolated, globalized or caffeinated. Growing such literacy–and with it, ideals of democracy, inquiry, dialogue, tolerance, and peace–is the mission of Waywords Studio. We read the world to develop our skill with language, our efficacy in engaging it, in writing back to it. Our paths will wander, acts of essai and bricolage, connecting points for discovery.
Students grow these skills; educators open the ways; litterateurs celebrate them.
Who Is Steve Chisnell?
A Lifetime Educator
who left public school teaching in the United States after 35 years, Steve Chisnell remains an educator, writer, and podcaster, the creator of Waywords Studio. His writing and thinking revolves primarily around the nature of interpretation, pedagogy and epistemology, rhetoric and composition, critical and digital literacies, civic and service education, and an admiration for role play gaming and classic Japanese kaiju.
When not enjoying a hammock or exploring trails in remote spaces, he performs music with the zeal of a solid amateur and schemes fruitfully.
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Programs for students, teachers, and devotees to literature