Rushdie – Allow Writers to Write the Other

Rushdie – Allow Writers to Write the Other

“If authors are only allowed to write characters that mirror themselves and their own experiences, ‘the art of the novel ceases to exist’.”
I also recommend reading “Writing the Other,” a good intro to the topic by Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward.

The History of Writing is the History of Humanity

The History of Writing is the History of Humanity

While I’m sure Stephens’s book is interesting, this excerpt–in its eagerness to praise the power of writing–seems to diminish or extinguish the role of oral cultures and traditions in favor of an ideology of consumption, growth, and progress. Perhaps some Walter Ong in your future?

Salman the Wordsmith

Salman the Wordsmith

“It is our duty, as writers, to commit acts of language [which] do not cancel each other out. They cannot eradicate each other, nor kill each other. They lay next to each other, in simultaneous existence. . .”

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