Legacy - Season 1
A Memoir of SortsEpisode 1
I sort through the detritus of my teaching career. I wonder at a message.
Episode 2
The poem “L’art” by Theophile Gautier. In 35 years, what have I forged?
Episode 3
A childhood memory challenges my motives to create.
Episode 4
Visiting some other poets, I find myself distracted.
Episode 5
I close out my career; a lesson in economics.
Episode 6
Summer passes; I reflect on Gautier’s ideas of art.
Episode 7
I resist; the Muse inside the form. I translate part of “Albertus.”
Episode 8
I concede; flawed creators; baser metals.
Episode 9
I remember Ladakh; legacies built upon the past.
Episode 10
Brick against the wall; I leave a degree of comfort.
Episode 11
. . . . ; “The Yellow Spots”
Episode 12
January 2020; A story is tested.
Episode 13
Jen waits; things which comfort.
Episode 14
I find my way; A sovereign song. (End of Season 1.)
Waypoint: Clarimonde
A reading of Clarimonde befitting the Winter Solstice.