Donation to Waywords Studio

Suggested Donation: $50.00

Thank you for donating to Waywords!

We want to keep as many productions as possible free or low cost, providing scholarship rates for students and teachers around the world who request them. Your donation will help make that possible!  (Do note that donations are separate from membership participation fees.)

Donations of more than $50 USD made during the 80 Days of Words and Ways Giveaway earn a bonus: Named and personalized appearance in a chapter of an original work of fiction produced at Waywords sometime in 2022 as a protagonist or other main character. Chapter may act as a stand-alone short story.  Expect a follow-up contact to provide details for the character and story.

Suggested Donation: $50.00

Category: Tags: , , ,

We want to keep as many productions as possible free or low cost, providing scholarship rates for students and teachers around the world who request them. Your donation will help make that possible!  (Do note that donations are separate from membership participation fees.)

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