31 December 2021

Episode 14 - The bust outlives the city.

A Memoir of Sorts


I find my way; A sovereign song.

[End of Season 1.]




Show Home Page: https://waywordsstudio.com/podcasts/legacy-podcast/ 

Legacy is a production of Waywords Studio (https://waywordsstudio.com). The podcast publishes two micro-episodes per week until the season story completes. This same feed will also host the short audio fiction program Scenes and Moments in alternative seasons.

Visit us for additional materials and clues for guests and the Waywords community, for other programs and writing, and for opportunities to support our goal to expand reading. 

Website:  https://waywordsstudio.com 

Twitter: @WaywordsStudio

Instagram: @WaywordsStudio  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Waywords-Studio-107310977755912 


Additional voices:  Jennifer Crotty

Some music by Scott Buckley.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It is open to be used and adapted for all not-for-profit uses with proper attribution. 


Chisnell, Steve. “Legacy, Episode 14.’” Waywords Studio, 31 Dec. 2021, https://waywordsstudio.com/podcasts/legacy-podcast/.


Legacy will return after a brief hiatus.


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